BoatOn Book

During my internship at BoatOn, I refined my full-stack skills using React and NestJs, implementing unit tests with Jest. This experience fortified my understanding of development cycles and modern frameworks.

From January to September 2022, I seized an exciting opportunity to intern at BoatOn in Bordeaux, France ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท. During this enriching journey, I wore multiple hats ๐ŸŽฉ, diving into roles in both front-end and back-end development. I harnessed the power of React for front-end and NestJs for back-end tasks, and played a crucial role in setting up unit tests for BoatOn's groundbreaking and eco-friendly maintenance software, BoatOn Book.

NestJs, a progressive Node.js framework, became my faithful companion in building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications ๐Ÿ’ช. This versatile framework blends elements of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming (FP), and Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). It leverages Express (default) or Fastify, offering an extensive array of third-party modules for the express platform.

On the front-end, I grappled with React, a popular JavaScript library known for crafting dynamic user interfaces ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ. React's strength lies in creating expansive web applications capable of updating and rendering efficiently in response to data changes, all without a page reload.

Unit testing on BoatOn Book's back-end was another critical responsibility I undertook ๐Ÿงช. For this, I employed Jest, a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. Jest offers a full feature set, including zero configuration, excellent mocking, snapshot testing, async methods, and parallel test execution for improved performance.

During my tenure, I was also immersed in the intriguing world of web scraping and had the opportunity to learn about reverse engineering ๐Ÿ”, further enhancing my technical skills.

My time at BoatOn not only enriched me with practical experience in these essential technologies but also provided me with a deeper understanding of unit testing's pivotal role in maintaining software application reliability. This hands-on experience has been invaluable, and I'm eager to apply these skills and knowledge in my future projects ๐Ÿš€.