Pers-ee - Tedhy

At Pers-ee, Lyon, I'm a Full Stack Web Developer contributing to the TedHy Project. Leveraging Django and VueJs 3, I'm creating features to enhance this strategic hydrogen project planning platform.

šŸš€ Since September 2022, I've been delving into the world of hydrogen technology at Pers-ee, Lyon, as a Full Stack Web Developer. My key role revolves around TedHy, our strategic hydrogen project planning tool, where I craft and polish new features, leveraging the power of Django and VueJs 3.

šŸ§© TedHy, is an all-encompassing planning tool, focused on simplifying decision-making for hydrogen projects and infrastructure. It's like a Swiss Army Knife, considering everything - technology, sizing, timing, and location, to simulate the most advantageous solutions for our users.

šŸ On the backend, we trust Django, Python's high-level web framework that champions rapid development, clean design, and pragmatic functionality. It's like our secret sauce for creating secure, scalable, and maintainable web apps, especially when dealing with complex data models and high-performance requirements.

āš” On the frontend, VueJs 3, a progressive JavaScript framework, helps us create intuitive user interfaces. It's like Lego, starting small and simple but easily scaling to a full-featured framework as needed. With a robust reactivity system, it simplifies state management and enables us to build efficient component-based applications.

šŸŽÆ My journey with Pers-ee and the TedHy project has not only enhanced my Django and VueJs skills but also allowed me to contribute to a groundbreaking solution that's shaping the future of hydrogen technology. It's a rewarding experience that constantly pushes the boundaries of what I can achieve!